
NAME: Il Marchese (The Marquis)
AKA: The Founder,
The Founder of Italian Wrestling,
The Maestro,
Lord of Submissions,
God of Reversals ,
Encyclopedia of Wrestling,
Riccardo Musazzi.
FROM: Legnano , Italia
HEIGHT: 5' 10
WEIGHT: 183 lb
DEBUT: 23 september 1995
TRAINED BY: Dory Funk jr.
BWF academy
CAMPS: FWA academy
(Mark Sloan, Doug Williams, Paul Burchill)
[100 hours]
Osamu Nishimura (西村修)
[7 days]
STAGES: Claudio Castagnoli (Antonio Cesaro)
Chris Hero (Kassius Ohno)
Curtis Hughes (Mr. Hughes)
WORKED FOR: TNA (Total Nonstop Action) [Cameo- spotter]
AJPW-FCW (All Japan Pro Wrestling USA Dojo)
BWF (Blood Wrestling Federation)
FWA (Frontier Wrestling Alliance)
IWS (Italian Wrestling Superstar)
ICW (Italian Championship Wrestling)
TCW (Total Combat wrestling)
2PW (Pure Pro Wrestling)
UIW (United Italian Wrestlers)
IWD (Italian Wrestling Division)
FCW (Funkin' Conservatory Wrestling)
NWF (Norges Wrestling Forbund )
SOP (School of Pain)
WWA (World Wrestling Association)
WWP (World Wrestling Promotion)
PWF (Potenza Wrestling Federation)
AWL (Adriatic Wrestling League)
PWF (Power Wrestling Federation)
ASCA (Adriatic Special Combat Academy )
PWE (Power Wrestling Entertainment)
CIL (Consejo Intercontinental de Lucha)
FWF (Flemish Wrestling Force)
DWA (Deutsche Wrestling Allianz)
FCW (Frontier Championship Wrestling)
Marco Rolando Marchese Goenitz Rugal Von Stroheim Riccardo Ra Marchese Goenitz Rugal Von Stroheim
Lord of Submissions Lord of the Cult of Light
^Remembering Iron Sheik (Foot on Turnbuckle Head Ram)
^Remembering Mr. Perfect (Elbowdrops to Knee into a Scissored Shin Kneedrop)
^Remembering Master Dory Funk jr. (Spinning Toe Hold)
^Little Lombard Spite (Stomp on Grounded Top Wrist Locked Arm)
^Reverse Indian Lock Drop
^Camazotz (Folded Arm Wristlock with Neck)
^Second Rope Leapfrog to Rolling Reverse Enzuigeri
^Spinning Wheel Kick
^Slingshot Legdrop
^Marcheses's Elbow Drop
--MOSTLY various submission moves (feel free to visit "Created submissions" page)--
+Hangman Neckbreaker
+Throne (Nieblina) (sometimes reverse; sometimes reverse tied to ropes)
+Upside Down Ropes Armbar
+Flying Cross of the Phoenix (Missing Top Rope Dive)
+++Slingshot Bulldog
+++Reverse Slingblade
+++Founder's Fury (Jumping Evenflow Spike DDT)
*Iron Claw
*Incineration of Ignorance (Iron Claw STO)
***Anomaly (Canadian Backbreaker to Spinning Neckbreaker)
***Heaven Tears (Reverse Crucifix Press to Powerslam)
***Very Vertical Drop Brainbuster
***Webstor (Arm Knee Lever into a Figure 4 Achilles Tendon Lock with a Over Head Arm Pull)
***Tezcatlipoca (Figure 4 Leglock with Chicken Wing and Headscissors)
***Seven Star Points of Spirit (Ursa Major combo)
***Psycho Crusher (Spinning Diving Shoulderblock)
***Huashan Prison Clenching Claw (Spinning Flying Charge into Stomach Claw)
***Hokuto (Heart Punch)
***Slingshot Tornado Single Arm DDT
***Rusty Nail (Knuckle on Temple Submission)
***Grounded Stomach Claw
***Ancient Style Bewitching Bird Palm (Rib/Side Claw Rip)
***Kaioh-Yasaka (Lifting Rib/Kidney Claws)
***Gekishinko (Deltoids Claws Breath Blocker)
Lord of Submissions Lord of the Cult of Light
^Remembering Iron Sheik (Foot on Turnbuckle Head Ram)
^Remembering Mr. Perfect (Elbowdrops to Knee into a Scissored Shin Kneedrop)
^Remembering Master Dory Funk jr. (Spinning Toe Hold)
^Little Lombard Spite (Stomp on Grounded Top Wrist Locked Arm)
^Reverse Indian Lock Drop
^Camazotz (Folded Arm Wristlock with Neck)
^Second Rope Leapfrog to Rolling Reverse Enzuigeri
^Spinning Wheel Kick
^Slingshot Legdrop
^Marcheses's Elbow Drop
--MOSTLY various submission moves (feel free to visit "Created submissions" page)--
+Hangman Neckbreaker
+Throne (Nieblina) (sometimes reverse; sometimes reverse tied to ropes)
+Upside Down Ropes Armbar
+Flying Cross of the Phoenix (Missing Top Rope Dive)
+++Slingshot Bulldog
+++Reverse Slingblade
+++Founder's Fury (Jumping Evenflow Spike DDT)
*Iron Claw
*Incineration of Ignorance (Iron Claw STO)
***Anomaly (Canadian Backbreaker to Spinning Neckbreaker)
***Heaven Tears (Reverse Crucifix Press to Powerslam)
***Very Vertical Drop Brainbuster
***Webstor (Arm Knee Lever into a Figure 4 Achilles Tendon Lock with a Over Head Arm Pull)
***Tezcatlipoca (Figure 4 Leglock with Chicken Wing and Headscissors)
***Seven Star Points of Spirit (Ursa Major combo)
***Psycho Crusher (Spinning Diving Shoulderblock)
***Huashan Prison Clenching Claw (Spinning Flying Charge into Stomach Claw)
***Hokuto (Heart Punch)
***Slingshot Tornado Single Arm DDT
***Rusty Nail (Knuckle on Temple Submission)
***Grounded Stomach Claw
***Ancient Style Bewitching Bird Palm (Rib/Side Claw Rip)
***Kaioh-Yasaka (Lifting Rib/Kidney Claws)
***Gekishinko (Deltoids Claws Breath Blocker)